Book a free 30 minute
discovery call here
Tamsin Regnes
Discover what makes you 'tick', appreciate that others may 'tock'
Improve engagement, team dynamics, communication and retention
Frequently asked questions
How long does a one-to-one
feedback session last ?
Generally it's about 90 minutes to 2 hours depending on the amount of discussion
Can I fill the questionnaire
in wrongly ?
Some people do worry about this. Don't worry there are no right or wrong answers!
How long does a group feedback session last ?
These are approximately 3 hours or can be two 2 hour sessions with a week or so in between.
What if my first language
is not English ?
The tools I use are available in a number of languages, so do let me know
Are they virtual or
face-to-face ?
Sessions work equally well either way, so it is up to you!
Does my personality type change with time ?
Your personality type is inborn but some things can affect how you complete the questions which might make it appear that you have changed - that's why having a feedback session is important